Monday, September 27, 2010

Idle hands

So, I've been here about another week and not much has happened. There was a whole other week of Freshers events (like parties and bar nights and stuff like that) that I wasn't all that interested in. I tried to tie loose ends of settling in. I got a bank account, FINALLY, and I dealt with my registration and enrollment questions. But other than that I've been having a pretty laid back time.

On Thursday a bunch of us went to a "Post-Graduate Student Association" meet and greet event, which we thought would be a great way to get introduced to the PGSA and its upcoming events, leadership, etc, and a great way to meet other post-grad students. However, the event was a total bust. There were maybe 30 of us in the room, and they didn't introduce anyone or talk about the PGSA at all. They did, however, make us play a horribley juvenile ice breaker game. That was it, once the ice was broken the event was over, people just got up and left and we had just gotten there 1 hour earlier. SO Stephanie and I went out to a pub with some friends of ours, James and Blake. This ended up being FAR MORE FUN than the PGSA event. We sang and danced in our booth and Steph tried to flip James' hat onto his head, which she couldn't do, but James could do it to Steph every time. Then Karaoke started, which we didn't even realize was happening. It was brutal and hilarious until Blake went up and sang "My Girl". He actually had musical ability, and he was taking it pretty seriously. I think props are due to his music teacher mother.

(I have a picture of Blake singing karaoke, but he requested they not be put on the internet)

On Saturday morning Stephanie, Jeanette, Kate and I went to the St. Georges Market. Its the farmers market in town. It was built in the early 1890's and has been voted one of the best and oldest markets in the UK and Ireland. I got some fresh veg and a loaf of bread and I tried to buy a few delicious macaroons, but the generous vendor gave me 12 instead! I ended up putting the macaroons on a plate in my shared kitchen so that I wouldn't eat them all.

Saturday evening Steph and I went to this pub downtown called "The Washington Bar" which had this really poorly done American theme. We only went because Saturday night was advertised as being 25+ and playing 90's music which we thought would be awesome. It wasn't that awesome. Instead of being annoyed by the drunk under-clothed 18 year olds we were annoyed by the drunk under-clothed 40 year olds, which was just sad. We might've been the most clothed, most sober, youngest women in there. However, we did hear some classic Tiffany, GnR, and Whitney Houston, so it ended up being worth it.

Sunday and Monday were kind of a bust. I did some laundry, and made dinner at home, etc, which was nice but nothing of note.

Earlier in the weekend I got homesick out of nowhere. Not to actually be at home, but to talk to somebody. When I was in Calgary or Leth I could just pick up the phone and call my parents, or Jordan or whoever and just talk about nothing, or complain about my day, or whatever. And I can't do that in the day here. My Glasgow & Cannock friends have daytime jobs and my daytime is your middle of the night/early morning. But I dealt with it by having a big long Skype with my parents on Sunday night and by talking to Chantel on the phone on Sunday as well.

Tomorrow is my first class. I'm both excited and nervous. I'm glad to have a schedule again, and to have work to do. Being idle has been more exhausting than working full time in undergrad. Also, I love to learn so I'm excited to actually begin my studies! (NERD!)

To all my friends/family getting engaged/married this year - KEEP ME POSTED! I want to see photos of dresses and updates on plans etc. I might not be able to attend or help, but I don't want to miss out on your big days!

Love you all!


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